Tuesday, May 20, 2008
-1:12 AM
Date: 080517
Speaker: Ps Adrian Ong
Msg Title: Living wit Purpose

verses: [Gen 1:26, 2:4; 1 Corinthians 9:26]
- the greatest tragedy in life [not death] is having no purpose.

1) Purpose is found in the mind of the Creator
no one knows a product better than the manufacturer

[Job 34:4-29]

2) Finding your purpose will bring fulfillment

3) A purpose will dictate your daily decisions

-1:00 AM

Date: 080511

Speaker: Ps Adrian Ong.

Msg Title: Living with Purpose - why bother?

You can seem to have everything but if you don't have God - you have nothing!

1) Purpose: is the original intent for the creation of something.
2) Purpose: is the original desired result for its creation.
3) Purpose: is something that tells you, your existence.

1) Everything that is created has a purpose.
2) Purpose comes before creation.
God created a purpose for us before He created us.
3) Not every purpose is known.
Not knowing your purpose doesn't mean there is no purpose.
4) Whenever purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.
If you do not know what your purpose is in your life you are abusing yourself.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
-6:03 PM
Date: 05th April 2008
Speaker: Ps Adrian

[Luke 15:10]
Jesus is telling us to be bold, ready to receive his gift of free grace.
[2 Timothy 2:1]

When someone gives you a gift the best way you can show that person that you appreciate it, is to use it.
The best way to receive any gift is to use it.

There are 3 gifts that God wants to give us:
'Prodigal son upon arriving back home was given 3 gifts: a robe, a ring and scandals'
God also wants to give us these 3 gifts.

The Robe - Signifies our identity as His son/daughter.
God wants to cover our rags of filth and sin
[Isaiah 61:10]
God wants to take this robe of righteousness and clothe you with it,
The moment we accept Christ we are clothed with this robe - changing our image.

The Ring - The ring symbolizes Authority 0 In Christ Jesus we have authority!

The Scandals - In the Bible times, only people that were part of the family were given shoes to wear, so when the father gives scandals he is telling you that you are part of His family and you belong there with Him.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
-1:35 AM
Culture* Youth Service

Date: 15.March.2008
Speaker: Ps. Daniel Chua [Cornerstone Youth Pastor]
Title: To Live the Life

You start relating to the Devil when you are gossiping, accusing eachother, backbiting!

John 10:10...but Jesus came to save us and give us life!

- When Adam and Eve ate the fruit they died Spiritually - and so did we.
But when Jesus came He gave it back to us!
[Romans 6:13], [1 Peter 2:9], [Galatians 4:5], [Romans 8:21]

- Alot of people are alive, but they're not living.
- God wants you dead, [Matt 10:39], [Matt 16:25]
- To live a life with God, you must let go of your 'low life'
- Everything we have in this life is temporal Luke 17:3]
If you grasp life on your own terms you will not have life - but if you let go of you life and live it on God's terms, you wil have life.
less of me, more of Him
[John 12:24]

Luke 19:10

Sunday, March 2, 2008
-8:26 PM
Speaker: Ps Adrian Ong
Title: Out-do Yourself

[Matthew 25:14-29, Philippians 3:10]
- The Parable of the Bags of Gold

Sunday, February 24, 2008
-8:30 PM
Culture* Youth Ministry.

Date: 23.Feb.2008
Speaker: Andrew Yeo - Cornerstone

Inspirational point:

Thursday, February 21, 2008
-5:09 PM
Sermon Title: 'Left Overs'
Speaker: Ps Adrian Ong
Verses: [1 Chronicles 29:1-9, Mark 2: 4-44]

- the physical church is a representation of God and it doesn't deserve left over stuff. You are the Temple of God and you deserve the best.

Leftovers doesn't just mean money! it's about time and energy.

Sometimes we give God left over time - God isn't pleased - don't do it - because you are giving into guilt and God doesn't want it - the church doesn't want it - Culture* doesn't want it. God deserves more that just your 'spare time'

[Prov 18:9]

David gave all his Gold and Silver to the building of the temple. He then asked the others, who will follow?' They followed David's example and REJOICED!